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9Card Code (VN)

9Card Code (VN)

  • Vùng có sẵn
9Card Code (VN) - 9Card Code 10,000 VND
9Card Code 10,000 VND
Giảm giá: 10.0%

Chọn mệnh giá

Xác nhận
Số lượng
Giới hạn Mua: 1 ~ 10
Tổng cộng
US$ 0.37
SEAGM Credits 164
Giảm giá bộ
Không có
Giảm giá
US$ 0.04 (10.0%)
Miễn phí
Bao gồm thuế
1 (ước tính)
Mô tả

About 9Card (VN)

9Card is a card used to deposit money into popular online games such as Treasure Island - Arena Island and Endless Treasure.

Buy 9Card (VN) on SEAGM

To buy a 9Card (VN) on SEAGM, simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to the SEAGM website and search for "9Card (VN) ".
  2. Select the amount of 9Card (VN) you wish to purchase.
  3. Select your preferred payment me thod and complete the transaction.
  4. You will receive the 9Card (VN) Code on your SEAGM account under the "My Cards" section.
  5. To retrieve the 9Card (VN) Code, simply enter your SEAGM login password.
Hướng dẫn

How to redeem 9 Card (VN)?

  1. After purchasing the 9Card, you need to open the payment interface in the game you want to deposit money into.
  2. Select the payment method as "Scratch card" or "9Card" and enter the code of the 9Card card you purchased in the corresponding box on the payment interface.
  3. Enter the security code of the 9Card card in the corresponding box. The security code is usually located under a thin layer of single lines on the 9Card card.
  4. Review the entered payment information and confirm the transaction.
  5. After confirmation, the system will deposit money from the 9Card card into your game account. You can use this money to buy items, upgrade characters, or make other transactions in the game.

Note: Some games may have different rules and payment processes, so check the instructions for the specific game you are playing for more detailed information on how to deposit using 9Card card.

Đánh giá của người dùng có bình luận Tất cả đánh giá
Tổng Số Đánh Giá5
Đánh giá trung bình4.20
  • Amanda0000
  • Amanda0000
Trò chuyện trực tuyến