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KUL (VN) - KUL 10,000 VND
KUL 10,000 VND

Chọn mệnh giá

Xác nhận
Số lượng
Giới hạn Mua: 1 ~ 10
Tổng cộng
US$ 0.37
SEAGM Credits 164
Giảm giá bộ
Không có
Giảm giá
US$ 0.04 (10.0%)
Miễn phí
Bao gồm thuế
1 (ước tính)
Mô tả

About KUL (VN)

KUL (VN) is an entertainment portal for gamers. Gamers can exchange experiences with each other, and can receive the latest update and hottest news from KUL (VN). KUL (VN) offers entertainment services where gamers can play games directly on KUL portal and watch high quality HD movies with fast transmission speed.

How to redeem KUL (VN)?

  1. Log in to your VTC Pay e-wallet account. If you don't have a VTC Pay e-wallet, please register.
  2. Click "Game card" and select "KUL".
  3. Choose the card denomination and quantity you would like to top up.
  4. Then, select VTC Pay e-wallet as your payment method.
  5. You're done without being charged a service fee!
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