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Kingdom Heroes M Gold Ingot

Kingdom Heroes M Gold Ingot

  • Vùng có sẵn
    South East Asia
Kingdom Heroes M Gold Ingot - 110 Gold Ingot
110 Gold Ingot
Giảm giá: 5.0%

Chọn Số Tiền Nạp

Xác nhận
Thông tin đặt hàng
Tổng cộng
US$ 2.14
SEAGM Credits 949
Giảm giá
US$ 0.11 (5.0%)
Miễn phí
Bao gồm thuế
9 (ước tính)
Mô tả

About Kingdom Heroes M

Kingdom Heroes M is a mobile version of the classic PC game Kingdom Heroes Online . It inherits all the core elements, such as the art style, character’s job, gears, war soul, state war, etc. New interface on mobile device allows gamers to play the game without boundaries.

Hướng dẫn

How to top-up Kingdom Heroes M Gold Ingot?

  1. Select the Gold Ingot denomination.
  2. Enter your Game Account ID.
  3. Check out and select your payment method.
  4. Once payment made, the Gold ingot will be added to your Kingdom Heroes M account shortly.

How to find Kingdom Heroes M Game Account ID?

  1. Use your account to login into the game.
  2. Open Menu and Click User Center.
  3. Your Game Account ID will be displayed,


Đánh giá của người dùng có bình luận Tất cả đánh giá
Tổng Số Đánh Giá791
Đánh giá trung bình5.00
  • Noppol Sangnoi
    Noppol Sangnoi
    คุ้มค่า และได้รับความช่วยเหลือเป็นอย่างดี
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