归龙潮 (CN)

归龙潮 (CN)

龙潮阁工作室 中文 China PC Mobile

About "归龙潮"

A certain well-known director once said that a great movie should have a narrative structure like this:

【Opening Suspense】

On a normal evening, you and a few friends from the Dragon Clan meet at the Huoyan Hotpot Restaurant in Zhongpu District. The restaurant, usually bustling with customers, is unusually empty tonight. The large hall has only your table of guests. As you eat, you notice something strange happening—the spicy red broth suddenly boils and churns into white, while from a dark corner, the plaintive sound of a pipa can be heard...

【Turbulent Process】

You quickly use your "Eye Technique" to peer into the Dragon Domain, navigating through dangerous traps and using your agility skills to overcome obstacles. After passing through various challenges, you finally confront the mastermind behind the scenes—the Lord of the Dragon Domain. With a combination of your wit and strength, you subdue the Lord of the Dragon Domain, dispelling the anomalies and allowing you to return to the real world.

【Unexpected Ending】

As you ponder over the generous reward given by the owner of the hotpot restaurant, you consider how to spend your leisure time. Should you play arcade games? Mahjong? Or go dancing? Oh right, you can now afford the skateboard you had your eye on last week. You can't afford to lose face in the neighborhood skateboard race this time!

Just as you step out of the hotpot restaurant, your "Little Spirit Eye" suddenly vibrates incessantly. Upon checking, you find it's an important mission assigned personally by Boss Du! You cannot shirk your responsibility to maintain law and order in the Nine Dragon District. The sense of duty and mission on your shoulders immediately dispels your thoughts of leisure. With determination, you stride towards the destination of your new mission, the setting sun casting your towering figure in a majestic light...

归龙潮 (CN) - การ์ดเกม
