KARDS - The WW2 Card Game

About KARDS - The WW2 Card Game

KARDS: The Ultimate WW2 Card Game

bPrepare to be transported back to the tumultuous era of World War II with KARDS, the most immersive and thrilling WW2 card game ever created. Prepare to dive into the epic battles that defined history, where your strategic choices can steer the course of WW2 in your favor.

Unleash the Power of WW2 on Your Cards

KARDS combines the strategic depth of traditional collectible card games (CCGs) with the intensity of WW2 warfare. Command your forces on land, in the skies, and at sea, and challenge players from around the world to prove your dominance in this virtual WW2 battleground.

Your WW2 Journey Begins Now

From the moment you start playing, you're thrust into the heart of WW2. No paywalls, no restrictions – KARDS is completely free to play, with all features and cards available from the get-go. In WW2, your victories are earned through skill, strategy, and determination.

WW2 Nations at Your Fingertips

Choose your alliance and take control of the fate of nations in WW2:

  • Britain / LORDS OF THE SKIES AND THE OCEANS: The British Empire, renowned for its formidable fleet, advanced aircraft, and unwavering determination, stood firm against the tide of WW2.
  • The Soviet Union / THE MIGHTY RED ARMY: Witness the incredible transformation of the Soviet forces from ill-equipped beginnings to the mighty Red Army, a force to be reckoned with in WW2.
  • USA / OUTPRODUCE, OUTGUN AND BRING HELL FROM THE SKIES: America's late entry into WW2 didn't stop them from becoming an industrial juggernaut, unleashing unparalleled firepower on their enemies.
  • Japan / SUNRISE IN THE EAST: Experience the swift and devastating rise of the Japanese Imperial Army and Navy, dominating Asia and the Pacific in WW2.
  • Germany / PIONEERS OF BLITZKRIEG: The German Wehrmacht, masters of Blitzkrieg tactics, spearheaded some of the most intense offensives of WW2.
  • France / THE FLAME OF THE FRENCH RESISTANCE: Despite early setbacks, the French Resistance and Free French Forces fought with unparalleled courage and tenacity in WW2.
  • Italy / RESTORATION OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE: Italy's ambition to resurrect the Roman Empire fueled their actions in WW2, leading to major offensives across Africa and the Middle East.
  • Poland / FIGHT FROM EXILE!: Polish forces, in exile, played a critical role in WW2, contributing to the cracking of the Enigma code and standing tall during the Battle of Britain.

KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Video

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