LifeAfter: Night falls (EU)

About LifeAfter: Night falls (EU)

A blizzard of devastating virus beleaguered the world, bring about the catastrophic disintegration of orders and covenants. When the night falls, the world turned into a living hell, swarming with infecteds. When you finally caught a break, and discovered a place to rest your sore feet, you found yourself exhausted, famished ,low on ammo and plagued by the coldness of night. You can hear the growling of infecteds, approaching, and you konw it's going to be another night of angst and horror. How much longer can you survive?

LifeAfter, a game depicting the survival of humanity in a post virus apocalyptic world, is officially launched.

Live on, together.

LifeAfter: Night falls (EU) - Video

LifeAfter: Night falls (EU) - Direct Top-Up
