Uber Gift Card (BR)

Uber Gift Card (BR)

  • Wilayah Tersedia
  • Pengiriman
    Pengiriman Instan
Uber Gift Card (BR) is redeemable via the Uber®️ app within the BRAZIL in cities where Uber is available.
Uber Gift Card (BR) - Uber BR 25 BRL
Uber BR 25 BRL
Pesan terlebih dahulu

Pilih Denominasi

Batas Pembelian: 1 ~ 10
Jumlah total
US$ 4.54
SEAGM Credits 2,018
Diskon Paket
Tidak ada
Tidak ada
Termasuk Pajak
20 (perkirakan)

About Uber Gift Card (BR)

Uber is an American company that offers vehicles for hire, package delivery, couriers, freight transportation etc. And with Uber, your destination is at your fingertips. Just open Uber app and enter where you want to go, and a nearby driver will help you get there reliably.

Term and Conditions

  • Redeemed gift cards can only be spent in countries that accept payment in the same currency that was originally issued.
  • Gift cards apply Uber Cash or Uber credits (depending on your location) to an Uber account.
  • The gift card amount can’t be used for Family Profiles, scheduled rides, or university campus card rides.
  • Once a gift card is added to an Uber account, it can’t be transferred.
  • You can’t reload a gift card after it has been purchased, but you can add multiple gift cards to an Uber account. Each Uber account can hold a maximum limit of $500 in total gift card value. As you use up your credits, you can add more.

How can I redeem an Uber Gift Card (BR)?

  1. Make sure you have the latest version of the Uber app.
  2. Tap the menu icon and select Wallet.
  3. Tap Add Payment Method or Redeem Gift Card.
  4. Then tap Gift Card.
  5. Enter your PIN/gift code (with no spaces).
  6. Tap Add.
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