FIFA 23 FUT Points (Origin)

FIFA 23 FUT Points (Origin)

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FIFA 23 FUT Points (Origin)
Release date: 30 September 2022
Platform PC
FIFA 23 FUT Points (Origin) - FIFA 23 FUT Points (Origin) 2800 FUT Points
FIFA 23 FUT Points (Origin) 2800 FUT Points

Sélectionnez la Dénomination

Limite d'achat: 1 ~ 10
US$ 16.05
SEAGM Credits 7,108
Rabais sur le forfait
US$ 6.88 (30.0%)
Taxe incluse
71 (estimé)

What are FIFA 23 FUT Points?

FIFA Points are the virtual currency of FIFA Ultimate Team mode. With Points, the player will be able to unlock the contents of packets offered at the FUT store. The contents of the packets vary and may include anything from new kits to legendary football players. When purchased, the player can immediately open the packet to see its contents. The packets are divided by rarity and the higher the rarity of players in the packet, the higher the price.


How to redeem FIFA 23 FUT Points?

Using the Origin Client App (MacOS or Windows)

  1. Launch the Origin app on your machine.
  2. Sign in to your Original’s account
  3. Click on “My Game Library” menu. Then select “+ Add A Game” option from top of the screen.
  4. From there, select “Redeem Product Code” option and enter your code.

Once the code is verified, you will see the confirmation message. Then you will be able to download it on your PC.

On Origin Website

  1. Go to and sign in to your account.
  2. Click on “My Game Library” menu. Then select “+ Add A Game” option from top of the screen.
  3. From there, select “Redeem Product Code” option and enter your code.

Once the code is verified, you will see the confirmation message. Then you will be able to download it on your PC.

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